Talc AI is now backed by y combinator

Evaluate and improve AI with better data

Automatically evaluate the quality of your LLM using high quality data backed by your knowledge base

How it works

Evaluations tailored to you

Evaluations should be different for every use case. Talc gives you the tools to set up custom datasets that reflect how your AI needs perform.

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Connect your knowledge

Plug in your existing knowledge base for Talc to process

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Generate domain specific data

Talc processes your knowledge base and generates a ground truth dataset on that knowledge.

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Evaluate and Improve

Automatically run evaluation at scale using the new ground truth data. If you need to improve performance, Talc data can also be used to train and improve models.

UI for data generation
A spreadsheet showing rows of medical notes labelled with ICD-10 codes
More features

Measure and iterate faster

Talc's data provides the abilty to test at scale, and then improve whatever parts aren't performing


With accurate data in your domain, Talc can evaluate more than just generic benchmarks – it knows exactly what mistakes your AI will make specific to your use case. No proxy metrics or ‘scores’-- get feedback with real interactions.

Custom Feed - AI X+ Webflow Template
Runs on real interactions
Innovation - AI X+ Webflow Template
Use case specific tests
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Continuous evaluatuon
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Immediate results
Github actions checks showing a passing state


Talc creates a dataset grounded in the facts from your knowledge base. Every row generated is backed by your documents, resulting in programmatic data that outperforms humans in accuracy.

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High coverage
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Always up to date
Flexible Hours - AI X+ Webflow Template


Using the same process, Talc can generate training data for any domain you have knowledge documents on. Instead of using humans to label your text data, Talc can return results 100x as fast while outperforming humans on data quality.

Unlimited PTO - AI X+ Webflow Template
High coverage
Shape Features - AI X+ Webflow Template
Reset Password - AI X+ Webflow Template
Always up to date
Flexible Hours - AI X+ Webflow Template
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May 28, 2024

On data generation